University Archives

Rare Autographs, Manuscripts, Books & Memorabilia


Our January 29, 2025 auction is now closed. Thank you for participating!

Our next sale is tentatively scheduled for March 12, 2025. Please check back for details.




Explore the Phenomenal World of Art, Music, Politics, and Science, One Genius at A Time.

2024 State Sales Tax Collection Update

University Archives now participates in Invaluable Payments in addition to Live Payments.

Bidders will be able to pay directly for auction items using the Invaluable, AuctionZip, and LiveAuctioneers platforms.

State sales tax will be collected by Invaluable Payments and Live Payments in 45 states (excluding Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon.)


Sir Isaac Newton Signed South Sea Bubble Document Fetches $106,000 At Our May 6, 2020 Sale

Sir Isaac Newton signed document

A financial document signed by British physicist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) as "Isaac Newton" changed hands for over $100,000 at our May 6, 2020 online auction.

The partly handwritten and partly printed contract dated July 13, 1720 authorized Newton’s financial adviser Joseph Safford to obtain shares in the South Sea Company. The infamous joint stock company endorsed by the British monarchy and enriched by the transatlantic slave trade would later become the textbook example of a speculation bubble. In September 1720, just three months after signing this document, South Sea shares plummeted, and Newton lost £20,000. When asked his opinion of the prospect of South Sea stock, Newton replied that while he could calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, the madness of the people defied natural laws.

Auction activity for the Sir Isaac Newton signed document was intense. Total online demand on just one of our online platforms exceeded $194,000, and auction staff were riveted as three live phone bidders competed for supremacy. The Newton finally went to an international businessman at more than double its high estimate.


Learn More

Portrait painting of Sir Isaac Newton


Historic Results: Autographs, Manuscripts, Photography and Artifacts.


Consign Your Lincoln Items Today

University Archives owner John Reznikoff displays an encapsulated Abraham Lincoln signed carte de visite
Detail of Abraham Lincoln's signature with the U.S. flag


Trust UA With Their Legacies



Photograph of Malcolm Forbes displayed a Fabergé egg

"None of my other investments give me the joy that autographs do because they make me feel that I am holding a piece of history in my hands."

- Malcolm Forbes

Relatives of Malcolm Forbes, the multimillionaire magazine publisher and discriminating collector of Americana, selected University Archives to sell the balance of Forbes’s manuscript collection.

Photograph of George S. Patton, Jr. in a jeep during a parade

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."

- George Patton, III

For nearly 30 years, University Archives has served as the sole estate appraiser and agent for Robert Patton, the grandson of World War II Allied commander George Patton.

Photograph of Jack Kerouac listening to the radio

"Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road."

- Jack Kerouac

University Archives was selected by John Shen-Sampas, the nephew and executor of the Jack Kerouac Estate by descent, to sell the remaining possessions of the famous Beatnik author.


John Reznikoff

Leading Expert in the Field of Rare Historical Documents, Manuscripts and Relics.

John Reznikoff, founder and President of University Archives, is a world-renowned collector and purveyor of historical items of significant value. His expertise, honed over 45 years in the autograph industry, has served him well in his quest for exceptional documents, manuscripts, rare books, relics, and memorabilia. John has bought and sold over $250 million dollars’ worth of items over his career to institutions and individuals. His record-breaking monthly online auctions attract bidders from over 60 countries.

In addition to running a highly successful auction house, John is also one of the world’s most requested expert witnesses and autograph authenticators. His clients have included the U. S. Justice Department, the FBI, state law enforcement, top auction houses, and the largest rare book dealers in the world.  John is regularly sought out by print and broadcast media to comment on current events relating to history, collecting, or the autograph industry in general.


Company owner John Reznikoff in the vault

John Reznikoff

Learn More About Our Founder

Company owner John Reznikoff magnifying a document using a special tool
Company owner John Reznikoff examining a document using special glasses
Company owner John Reznikoff displaying John F. Kennedy's personally owned and worn leather bomber jacket with the presidential seal
Company owner John Reznikoff in his personal research library
Company headquarters in Wilton, Connecticut

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