October 18, 2023 11:00 AM EDT
- Wilton, CT, US
- Auction Details
Rare Autographs, Manuscripts, Books & Sports Memorabilia
428 lots
Collectibles (403)
Inner Filter Options Fine Art (24)
Inner Filter Options Asian Art & Antiques (1)
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6: James Buchanan Asks Henry Ellsworth To Investigate Claim Against Sweden For 1799 Seizure of U.S. Brig
7: George H. W. Bush Birthday Note Inscribed "See you on the First Tee"
8: G.W. Bush & Dick Cheney Sign Approval to Promote Gen. Malcolm Armstrong
9: George W. Bush Oath of Office on Personal Stationary w/ Accompanying TLS From Karl Rove
10: 3 Jimmy Carter Sigs: Rare 2x Signed Pres. TLS Re: Air Force One Trip, Plus Bonus Signed Receipt!
12: Grover Cleveland Rare ALS on Exec Mansion Letterhead w/ Hawaiian Stamp
14: Grover Cleveland Scarce ALS as President w/ Bonus Letter From Secretary
16: Bill Clinton TLS On "affirmative action" Policies In Arkansas & Pennsylvania For "minority owned businesses"
18: Bill Clinton "We continue...to change the direction of our nation." A Fine White House TLS
19: Calvin Coolidge Thanking Hudson Maxim for Book, Most Likely Inventor's Bio In Which Coolidge is Praised
20: Calvin Coolidge VP TLS to American Legion's Americanism Commission Director