
Important 19th/20th C. Printmakers
various, ca. 1887-1975
Fabulous NY Art Dealer Collection! 70+ Original Metal Etching Plates & Woodblocks from 30+ Artists Incl. Picasso, Dalí, Chagall, Braque, Giacometti, Rouault & More, 1887-1975
This exclusive and once-in-a-lifetime set of original etching plates and woodblocks comes from the collection of a well-known and preeminent New York art collector. In the collection are metal plates and woodblocks created by some of the world's most famous modern artists: Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Salvador Dalí, Alberto Giacometti, Georges Rouault, and many others. The metal plates and woodblocks were designed and drawn by the artists, making each a one-of-a-kind original work of art, often signed or initialed by the artist. A technical note: when an artist signs their name into the metal etching plate or woodblock (this is the artist's original signature!), the prints that come from those plates are said to be "signed in plate" or "plate signed."

The artists featured in the collection are American, French, Swiss, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Czech, Cuban, and Danish. The plates and blocks date from 1887-1975, and range in size from 1.75" x 2.5" at the smallest, to 11.5" x 15.5" at the largest. This museum-quality collection was acquired by an experienced art collector who often associated directly with the artists or their ateliers. Many of the pieces in the collection have never before been offered to the public. Many of these original plates will be accompanied by an original print on 100% rag paper, pulled from the etching plate, printed decades ago at the time that the etching plate was first drawn by the artist. Many of these actual etchings will be custom-framed, matted, packaged, and shipped at no cost to the buyer. ***Please note: This lot requires third-party shipping!***

We suggest that you pre-qualify as a bidder if you intend to bid on this unique collection. Please see below for a list of the artists featured in this collection in alphabetical order; as well as a brief description of each item. For a more robust illustrated description of the entire collection, please visit our website under the blog post entitled: "January 29, 2025 Sneak Peek: Picasso, Chagall, Dalí & Other Fabulous Artists!" or copy and paste the link below:

Artists in this exceptional collection include, in alphabetical order:

Arp, Jean
Baskin, Leonard
Bellmer, Hans
Bonnard, Pierre
Braque, Georges
Chagall, Marc
Cocteau, Jean
Cornell, Thomas
Coudrain, Brigitte
Dalí, Salvador
Derain, André
Deyrolle, Jean
Duchamp, Marcel
Giacometti, Albert
Gilioli, Émile
Jacobsen, Robert
Jacque, Charles-Émile
Lam, Wilfredo
Laurencin, Marie
Lockwood, George
Magnelli, Alberto
de Mandiargues, Bona
Marsh, Reginald
Pascin, Jules
Picasso, Pablo
Rouault, Georges
Serpan, Laroslav
Soyer, Raphael
Stella, Joseph
Vertès, Marcel
Vieira da Silva, Maria Helena

The collection includes:

1. Jean Arp, "Abstract," (1965), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 8.5" x 10.75"

2. Arturo, "Portrait of a Woman" (ca. 1958), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 7" x 9.5"

3. Leonard Baskin, "Lost Crow" (ca. 1970), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 15" x 6"

4. Leonard Baskin, "Portrait of an Old Man" (1970), steel etching, plate unsigned, 6" x 6"

5. Hans Bellmer, "Madame Edwards" (1965), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 3" x 8"

6. Pierre Bonnard, "Interior with Cat" (1930), steel etching plate, initialed in plate, 7" x 5"

7. Pierre Bonnard, "Misya" (ca. 1940), steel etching plate, initialed by the artist, 3.25" x 2.25"

8. Georges Braque, "Ajax" (1968), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 12.75" x 9.75"

9. Georges Braque, "Birds in Flight" (1968), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 12" x 8"

10. Georges Braque, "Eros and Eurybia" (1932), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 7" x 12"

11. Jean Cocteau, "Le Bal du Comte d'Orgel: La Comtesse Dans Son Lit" [Count d'Orgel's Ball: The Countess in Her Bed] (1953), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 10" x 12"

12. Jean Cocteau, "Le Bal du Comte d'Orgel: L'Homme en Colère" [Count d'Orgel's Ball: The Angry Man] (1953), copper etching plate, signed in plate, 6" x 8.5"

13. Marc Chagall, "The Marriage" (1962), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 10" x 13"

14. Thomas Cornell, "Nude Figure" (ca. 1970), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 6" x 3"

15. Brigitte Coudrain, "New York City" (ca. 1970), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 3" x 6"

16. Salvador Dalí, "El Cid" (1968), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5" x 7"

17. Salvador Dalí, "El Greco" (1969), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5" x 7"

18. Salvador Dalí, "Cervantes" (1965), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5" x 7"

19. Salvador Dalí, "Velazquez" (1965), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5" x 7"

20. Salvador Dalí, "Don Quixote" (1965), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5" x 7"

21. André Derain, "Bathsheba Nude" (1938), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 12" x 13"

22. André Derain, "The Prisoners" (1943), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 14" x 12"

23. André Derain, "Nu de Dos" [Nude from the Back] (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 14" x 12"

24. Jean Deyrolle, "Paroles Peintes" [Painted Words] (1965), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 11" x 14.75"

25. Marcel Duchamp, "Abstract" (ca. 1948), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 9" x 12"

26. Marcel Duchamp, "Coffee Mill" (1947), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 3.25" x 7.25"

27. Albert Giacometti, "The Search (Dans l'Atelier)" [The Search (In the Studio)](1975), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 11.5" x 15.5"

28. Émile Gilioli, "Labyrinthe" [Labyrinth] (1965), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 6.25" x 9.5"

29. Robert Jacobsen, "La Foule" [The Crowd] (1962), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 9.75" x 13.75"

30. Charles-Émile Jacque, "Landscape with Sheep" (1887), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 6.375" x 7.75"

31. Wilfredo Lam, "Untitled" (1965), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 7" x 10.5"

32. Marie Laurencin, "Sappho" (ca. 1950), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 5.5" x 9"

33. Marie Laurencin, "Three Dancers" (ca. 1950), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 8.75" x 14.25"

34. Marie Laurencin, "Jean et Sappho" (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 9"

35. Marie Laurencin, "Two Gypsies" (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 5.5" x 9"

36. Marie Laurencin, "Two Women" (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 14.75" x 11"

37. Marie Laurencin, "L'Embarrassment" [Embarrassment] (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 9"

38. Marie Laurencin, "Jeune Fille" [Young Girl] (ca. 1950), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 9"

39. George Lockwood, "Man with a Mind" (ca. 1960), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 7" x 6"

40. Alberto Magnelli, "Composizione" [Composition], ca. 1960, copper engraving plate, plate unsigned, 10" x 13.5"

41. Bona de Mandiargues, "Untitled" (1970), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 7" x 9.25"

42. Reginald Marsh, "Drum Majorette" (1940), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 6" x 12"

43. Jules Pascin, "Cinderella" (1929), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 10" x 14"

44. Jules Pascin, "Cendrillon, Le Bal" [Cinderella, The Ball] (1929), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 10" x 14"

45. Pablo Picasso, "Pour Roby (L'Age de Soleil)" [For Roby, The Age of Sun)] (1950), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 7"x 9.25"

46. Pablo Picasso, "Composition Still Life" (1940), woodblock, signed in the woodblock, 6.25" x 7"

47. Pablo Picasso, "Femme Vue de Dos" [Woman Seen from the Back] (1965), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 11" x 15"

48. Georges Rouault, "Auguste" (1938), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 8.75" x 13"

49. Georges Rouault, "Jesus Before Pilate" (1932), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 7.5" x 11.5"

50. Georges Rouault, "Il Revoit le Thabor" [He Sees the Tabor Again] (ca. 1925), woodblock, initialed in the woodblock, 7.5" x 11.5"

51. Georges Rouault, "Les Visages" [The Faces] (1932), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 8" x 6"

52. Georges Rouault, "Christ au Faubourg" [Christ in the Neighborhood] (1930), steel etching plate, initialed and dated 1930, 13" x 12"

53. Georges Rouault, "Jongleur" (1938); "Clown" (1936); Femme Hideuse" (1928); and "Dancers" (1938), four woodcuts, not signed, each measuring 1.75" x 2.5"

54. Serpan Laroslav, "Caprices de Mon Encre" [Whims of My Ink] (1965), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 11" x 15"

55. Raphael Soyer, "Profile of a Woman" (1968), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 10.375" diameter

56. Raphael Soyer, "Girl with Foxes" (1968), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 12.25" x 10.75"

57. Raphael Soyer, "Portrait of a Girl" (1910), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 8.25" x 11.75"

58. Raphael Soyer, "Self-Portrait" (1910), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 6" x 7.5"

59. Raphael Soyer, "Nude" (1968), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 10" x 14"

60. Raphael Soyer, "Two Women" (1968), copper etching plate, signed in the plate, 9.5" x 14.5"

61. Joseph Stella, "Man" (1957), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 7"

62. Joseph Stella, "Tree" (1957), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 6.5"

63. Joseph Stella, "Old Man" (1957), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" x 5.75"

64. Joseph Stella, "Old Woman" (1957), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 5.5" square

65. Marcel Vertès, "Daphnis and Chloé I" (1951), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 14" x 12"

66. Marcel Vertès, "Daphnis and Chloé II" (1951), steel etching plate, signed in the plate, 14" x 12"

67. Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, "Abstract" (ca. 1966), copper etching plate, plate unsigned, 7" x 12"

68. Jacques Villon, "Bal du Moulin Rouge" [Red Windmill Ball] (1910), steel etching plate, plate unsigned, 3.75" x 9"

Please see our terms and conditions of sale regarding large lots.

This item comes with a Certificate from John Reznikoff, a premier authenticator for both major 3rd party authentication services, PSA and JSA (James Spence Authentications), as well as numerous auction houses.


  • largest plate measures 11.5" x 15.5"
  • Artist Name:
  • Important 19th/20th C. Printmakers
  • Medium:
  • Archive

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January 29, 2025 10:00 AM EST
Wilton, CT, US

University Archives

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
$0 $99 $10
$100 $299 $20
$300 $499 $25
$500 $999 $50
$1,000 $1,999 $100
$2,000 $2,999 $200
$3,000 $4,999 $250
$5,000 $9,999 $500
$10,000 $19,999 $1,000
$20,000 $49,999 $2,500
$50,000 + $5,000