- December 11, 2024 10:00 AM EST
- Wilton, CT, US
- Auction Details
Rare Autographs, Manuscripts & Books - Just In Time For The Holidays!
518 lots
Collectibles (495)
Inner Filter Options Fine Art (23)
Inner Filter Options
2: John Adams As Pres. Lauds Senate’s Support of Troops to Stop Rebellion!
3: 1800 John Adams Beautifully Signed Land Grant For Veterans of the Revolutionary War
4: "The Gazette" 1799 Issuing John Adams's Proclamation Re: Fries's Rebellion
5: John Quincy Adams ALS as Pres., "I am not, never was, and never shall be a Free Mason," Re: Possible Murder of Anti-Mason William Morgan
8: Chester Arthur ALS On Exec. Mansion Stationary On Railroad Business!
9: Chester Arthur Initialed Appointment of a Marshal in Virginia, Unofficial and Unique!
11: James Buchanan as Pres. Insures Washington, D.C. Water Supply
12: George H. W. Bush Re: "Armed Forces serving in the Persian Gulf...against Iraq’s aggression"
13: George H.W. Bush Official Gift Pen & Tie Bar, With Bonus Recipes From Barbara Bush & Nancy Reagan
14: Air Force One Archive From Historic 1990 Flight, Impeccable White House Staff Provenance
15: George W. Bush ALS as Pres. to a Teacher, "I could never have been President without my education," 10 Days After Inauguration
17: Jimmy Carter ALS as Pres. Expressing His “unequivocal support” for Israel, A Timely Letter
19: Grover Cleveland On Exec. Mansion Stationery Re: "discovery of America" Medal!