May 6, 2020 10:30 AM EDT
- Wilton, CT, US
- Auction Details
Rare Books, Manuscripts & Relics, Forbes Collection Part II, Kerouac Estate Part III
260 lots
Collectibles (241)
Inner Filter Options Fine Art (9)
Inner Filter Options Decorative Art (5)
Inner Filter Options Jewelry (3)
Inner Filter Options Dolls, Bears & Toys (2)
Inner Filter Options
Philippe Halsman (1)
1: Abigail Adams Loving ANS to Older Sister: "by Night or day I, ever am your affectionate sister"
3: John Adams Four Language Ship's Papers Signed as President During the French-American Naval Quasi-War
4: Adams Signed Speech on Slavery Issue of Nullification, The Declaration of Independence and Constitution
6: Astronaut Rusty Schweickart During Spacewalk 1969 Original NASA Red Number Color Photo PSA Type I, AS9-19-2982
7: Original NASA Apollo VIII Red Number Color Photo "Earthrise" PSA Type I, AS8-14-2383
8: Apollo XI PRE-LAUNCH COUNTDOWN! Original NASA Red Number Color Photo July 16, 1969 PSA Type I, S-69-39956
9: APOLLO 11 LUNAR MODULE ON MOON Original NASA Blue Number Color Photo PSA Type I, AS11-40-5917
10: Chester Arthur Signed Letter, Just Post Republican National Convention of 1880
11: John J. Audubon ALS Discussing Field Study, Specimen Collection & Illustration of "The Quadrupeds of North America"
13: Harry Blackstone, "The Great Blackstone", Signed Check to "The Three Rivers Press", PSA/DNA Slabbed & Graded MINT 9!
17: Napoleon DS Re: Return of British Female & Child Prisoners of War!
18: Napoleon DS Approving Substitution of Sick Russian Invasion General
19: Napoleon DS Approving Cavalry Appointment of Wounded & Shipwrecked P.O.W. & Veteran from Egyptian Campaign